Thursday, January 29, 2015

a little more bite...

Finally got the new wheels on - I'm so used to the old ones, I only notice a slight difference.  61,71,40,0,B


rpm said...

nice work!
your an inspiration brother.

Margery Billd said...

Well, they look nice and new and probably safer.

Unknown said...

They do look cool.

Kyle C. said...

My brand of reasoning would suggest the accident was the Hand of God telling you to get a Suicide Shift Harley ... Clearly ! :) Hope you have a speedy recovery- regards from Ft. Worth.


Every little bit helps sometimes.

Margery Billd said...

Soon. Approaching the halfway point.

Margery Billd said...

Cracker Barrel in Midland needs employees, so they are asking in San Marcos where Texas State is for people to go out there and work awhile with expenses pis.

Margery Billd said...


Unknown said...

After getting the new wheels, it looks like you need to run the rest of the chair thru a car wash. Only someone living out in the boonies would get a chair that muddy..LOL

Allen Hare said...

All Terrain Wheels!