Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Finally graduated the boys from the silly water bowl that required daily filling.  Now they have a 160 gallon trough plus 300' feet of hose so I can keep it topped off from any one of my tanks.  35,43,32,0,B


Margery Billd said...

I bet they are really happy with that considerate act. That's a juggling act with those horns. And notice all that privacy you have on this beautiful day.

Steve said...

You can definitely see the Watusi in those boys!

Rita B. said...

They sure are a handsome pair. Love that little tuff of hair on Bud's forehead.

Unknown said...

Isn't that the bath tub you had in the greenhouse?

Unknown said...

I think the red letters say it all. :)

Unknown said...

Ideal idea John!

Grandmama Sarah said...

Adversity sure brings to fore what is necessary. I'm sure this wasn't on the front burner before your accident. Having it in place now gives you a measure of independence and later, when you have recovered, freedom of time for other matters of concern.

Scuba Steve said...

Curious, what does a trough like that cost?

Bob from Athens said...

Now all you have to do is hook up a float valve and never have to worry about watering the stock again.

Unknown said...

John, that seems like a lot of water for an off grid property. Are you concerned about evaporation? Maybe some kind of top with a smaller hole for them to stick their noses in? Hope the leg is healing quickly.

pamit said...

Is it time for a hoof trim? Look a bit long.

WhyR said...

If you get those steers too close together at the watering hole, looks like they could put an eye out with one of those horns, unless they're being careful. Maybe they're already aware of this and compensate in their own way.