Friday, January 30, 2015

the forgotten zone



Steve said...

looks like you're starting to replicate your former life in NY.

Dale said...

It's doing a better job at keeping your stuff dry than it did keeping you in salad fixings.

Ryan said...

Can't really call it a greenhouse. Not much greenery. Maybe the junk house?

rondeb said...

Will you be able to revive some of your plants?

Larry G said...

reminds me of my messes..


Unknown said...

After the garage sale you'll have room for infinite possibilities.

Margery Billd said...

Kind of looks like a place my adopted father would have kept which drove my son so nuts when he had to clean it as a pack rat might have kept. Wait till they get to my place. After all, one can never tell when one might need an artificial cactus. Sorry, just teasing you. It will get better soon and you can get back to normal. Just look at all that good work you did to build your place and you can sit there and get some good light (so the winter drepression does not set in).

Delrioer said...

Seems to me I recall through these years seeing that zone looking a whole bunch more forgotten than it does in this shot.

I can almost hear it speaking: Don't worry about us, we'll be here comfortably still waiting for another month or two.

Janet said...

To everything there is a season -- in your spare time you might like to watch the "Back to Eden" film about gardening with wood chips. I can't imagine you having this resource nearby, but the information is inspirational and the answer is that everything in nature must have a covering.

Larry G said...

I'm finding Sons of Liberty on the History Channel - worthwhile...

but as said before. Sometimes taking time to think about things - even if brought on through unplanned events, can be an enormous opportunity .. and I'm not just saying that.. I believe it.

Rev.jimmyleebob said...

Pineapple looks like it's hangin tough.
Trimmed 30 of em this morning. Arms look like I did battle with Freddy Krueger. Some are starting to bud....

Margery Billd said...

One can buy bags of wood chips here. I have seen beautiful flowers blooming here in containers with wood chips. I'm glad the man made the video. It was good and a good suggestion.

Deacon75 said...

A industrious man sees resources where many find refuse.

Allen Hare said...

It's hard not to accumulate 'stuff'. A good de-clutter session would be good for many of us.
Wishing you well, John.

Derex said...

Been following you since you were fabing the trusses for this place. Have you thought about hydroponics? Thinking bout that route here in San Antonio. Haven't had a lot of luck with gardening here.

Unknown said...

Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten. See the link below for more info.
