Friday, March 20, 2015

foot in the air

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Margery Billd said...

Well it won't be much longer before this ordeal will start to end. But vigilance and care will still be necessary. Looks passable.

Rev.jimmyleebob said...

Unbelievable ! Took me 3 days to get a power supply in this 1 horse town. So anyway, zombie foot is looking pretty good. Sort of looks like one of those online dating photos, little out of focus so it looks better than it really is.

Zole said...

Out of focus by design.

Unknown said...

A man without a horse is afoot.

remmij said...

5 piggys in space…

Rita B. said...

Your ankle will reappear one day.

kellymckillop said...

Your foot looks great. My mother broke her leg in a similar fashion (multiple spiral fractures of both tibia and fibula but no compound fracture; similar surgical repair) and it took a long time before her foot was not blue. I hope that the rest of your recovery continues apace.