Monday, March 2, 2015

spring migration



remmij said...

better than a paper calendar

remmij said...

I forgot - since you have a bit more time… was reading the NYT piece on Nimoy and thought you might get a kick out of this - an interesting chain -
John Walking Fox
“Dif-tor heh smusma”
_\// R

Larry G said...

seems to early to head north! what kind of birds?

Rev.jimmyleebob said...

Still have 1 month to go before spring migration begins here ( snow birds ).

Larry G said...

down in our neck of the woods - we have flock after flock of Canadian Geese... we also have many other big birds, Snowy, Tundra, and others.

they all like good-sized lakes... and rivers... though.. so maybe they take a break on the Rio Grande on their way north and look for the Red or Canadian rivers on their way north down that way.

Unknown said...

Anyone know why one side of the V is all ways longer than the other ?

Margery Billd said...

Would those birds be Blue-Winged Teal.

everyman said...

124 1/2 birds ... I think.

Margery Billd said...

Lol everyman

dave said...

Yes Anthony because there are more birds on one side.

Keely said...

I love watching the geese in action . Thanks for sharing your pic with us !