Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Starting unearthing some of my minting supplies.  And I thought it was difficult finding stuff when I had 2 good legs...  60,72,53,0,W


everyman said...

My garage is gonna need both deep mining and mountain top removal to get to all my stuff. :)

Margery Billd said...

Gosh, how do you melt that, with a blowtorch? What are your molds made of? I only worked with plaster of Paris and rubber molds.

John Wells said...


Larry G said...

pretty good video. How did the imprint of Benita get done?

John Wells said...


Margery Billd said...

My goodness how talented you are, John. TY for the 1st video. Then I watched the ones about your cattle friends. :-) So cool. I was impressed with Romper Stomper. :-)

Margery Billd said...

I remember looking in the eyes of the pigs in the big trucks at night in Detroit who were waiting for slaughter the next day. It made me so sad for them. I lived directly in back of the steel mills in Chicago too. When the siren rang at 6 a.m., I was so glad I did not have to go to work there.