Thursday, March 5, 2015

sterling thoughts

My overnight replacement belt got hung up in El Paso via FedEx so no automotive maintenance today.  Pondered my day to day and decided I need a good sit down project to work on.  Since the Ben'n'Bud fund could use a might just be time to mint another edition of TFL sterling silver.  I have been sitting on a batch of flatware just waiting to be melted down.  Working up the design for some half ounce coins for the next offering.  This unfinished 1oz ingot is the last I poured in 2013.  My friend Neil in England wanted one intact straight from the mold.  Holding this for him till he comes to visit again.  36,45,30,0,B  


Ronald Mahan said...

Sounds like a great plan to me! I delayed purchasing some in the past - but want to get an order in for two silver ingots - from your next run.

Rita B. said...

Love mine. #54 please (if you have that many.)

Margery Billd said...

It might be easier if you have a friend who could help you with the car repair.

Margery Billd said...

My dog chewed up my pillow today. Another dog chewed up the two temples on my $650.00 glasses two days ago and the glasses were bent. I got new bows yesterday and wearing the glasses again. That was after the digital box went out on my tv cable. So I have a replacement box which I have to wire. So I listened to BBC on the radio I took out of the box and have some good classical music on now from Austin. Very calming. My dogs sleep to the music. I used to really like Mr. Bill on Saturday Night Live.

Dale said...

I don't want to discourage your taking up the craft again but there is a kite laying around your house that ain't getting a lot of love and is worth a few shekels.

Under The SC Sun said...

Heading south probably Saturday. Don't have my belt tensioner tool with me but if I can offer two good legs and hands... Let me know.

Count us in for a silver field lab momento also.

remmij said...

not sure how it translates to the .5oz round…
design idea
a new token?
maybe ship them unpolished, wrapped in gauze and plaster?

Bruce S said...

John, I would really like #11 and #15. Those are the birth years of my grandchildren.

Rev.jimmyleebob said...

I might be interested in a scaled model commemorative tibial nail pendant since I kind of feel cheated..

rondeb said...

I bought one of the original ones for my grandson for Christmas. Made him a TFL follower for life LOL I printed out your website and information to include in the package so he would know where to go. He was the first one to tell me you were hurt. He is only 12.

Unknown said...

Sold Brother!
William Pugh

Unknown said...

Oh you still have the gas burner I sent you?
William Pugh
