Monday, September 25, 2017

a monday matinee...



John Wells said...

Chupa taking his daily dirt bath. News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Da Jazz Blues by Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

B.B. Sutton said...

I guess that's kinda like what my mama used to call a "spit bath".

Rita B. said...

I love it! He's beautiful!

remmij said...

any reason Chupa's comb is so dark toward the back? have seen that something similar is sometimes caused by frostbite,
but doubt that is the cause there.

John Wells said...

Chupa's comb changes color throughout the day. Most often it is all red.

czardastx said...

Dry cleaning your rooster...

Margery Billd said...

I saw an animal on t.v. taking a dust bath. It was to get the little bugs and so forth off, but I do not remember what animal they showed in Africa.

Margery Billd said...

I saw an animal on t.v. taking a dust bath. It was to get the little bugs and so forth off, but I do not remember what animal they showed in Africa.

Margery Billd said...


Margery Billd said...

That happened because as one woman said and another agreed to - it is Monday. But no, my iPhone says it is Wednesday. :-)

Janet said...

When empty nest time came and then retirement, knowing which day of the week it was became a challenge. I bought a "day clock" which shows the time and the day of the week. It has come in very handy especially when the computer is down.

Thanks for the chicken bath matinee John.