Just enough cloud cover and cool outside temps to finish putting up wind turbine mount #4.
Took some time to clean up the house and organized things. A photographer from Alpine was coming down to do a portrait of me for her series on South West Texas. I contacted her after seeing a notice that she was looking for subjects in the area. She worked in NYC for a bit and we have a couple of folks back there we know in common. Being a nomad of sorts, she is on the road constantly just doing her thing. Check out some of her work at http://www.jenniferboomer.com/ She made it out here late this afternoon just after some storms passed nearby that fortunately didn't swamp my road out. Had a very nice visit with her and she shot a couple of rolls of film. We talked quite a bit about the photog world and the rat race that is NYC. Jennifer is scheduled to do a portrait of my buddy Whitebear tomorrow morning. I told her about my digital point and shoot Canon G9 and of course she had to check it out. 

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