Been in contact with HP....they are ready and willing to fix my laptop woes if I can't sort it out myself. Downloaded a bunch of updates last night that really screwed things up. Had to do a system reset in safe mode to clear up the havoc. Checked some online strategies on how to open up the laptop. Got most of the innards exposed so I could blow out all the dust and grime inside - and there was a lot. Had to remove 26 screws to get it open. Running fine all afternoon so we shall see if I need to send it off for more doctoring.

A new neighbor (7 miles east) is experimenting with growing sprouts as part of an approach to sustainability. He calls himself Doc Savage. He gave me about 6 tablespoons of alfalfa seed and two jars to play with. In 3 days that little bit of seed completely filled two 26oz jars with sprouts after soaking for 12 hours then rinsing them 3 times a day. I reckon this warrants further consideration. 91,101,67,0,B
When I first saw the sprouts, I though that was what came out of your HP cleaning. I thought to myself that no wonder John was having trouble. Then I read on.
I used to grow sprouts. Alphalfa and mung bean. They are both good. Alphafa for salads and mung been for stir fry.
Been sprouting for a while now, too. Sure makes a difference in how you feel.
BTW,I had enough dog fur inside my pc to knit a sweater (for both dogs and myself) not to mention the dust. Hope blowing out yours fixed it, too. Mines been running great now that it can breath again :D
I couldn't believe the freshness and crunchiness of the sprouts I grow. Usually the ones I buy in the store are soggy and just last a few days. Plus you have to worry about Ecoli, which store brought sprouts are notorious for.
I use a mason jar but I glued a cork to the side so when I set them just out of the sun they rest at an angle, they seem to like grow better that way.
Good Luck.
We sprout our own sprouts, too ... Nani calls it "hairy" and she'll eat her own jar at one sitting.
She's very impatient. Is the hairy ready yet? Is the hairy ready yet?
I love sprouts on my cheesburgers (in place of lettuce) ... with onions, green chilis and/or jalapenos, of course!
does it crash after a while even in safe mode? if it's fine in safe mode then it's not a heating/dust problem (still good to clean it out though!)....
Sprouts are some good eating. Where do the new seeds come from for each new batch? Are they self replicating, or do you have to get new seeds each time?
Someone stole my handle!!! I'm Doc Savage, I swear! Been called that since before internet days. Oh well. Besides couldn't have been me, don't do sprouts. Don't know that we are exactly neighbors, but do have TR property.
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