The pieces fell i
nto place today quite nicely. Beautiful weather...finished the insulated box for the new solar oven - reached 250 degrees even without reflectors...FedEx delivered six more 1 qt. dutch ovens...and got more mirrors in the mail today and glued them down to fill out the fryer dish. And to top it off - I got a birthday present from my bro Neil in the UK (director of the Field Lab IT Dept.) an infrared thermometer - just point and push the button for the surface temperature of objects. How hot is that? Lots of cows, lots of fun, and even got some work done. 67,92,49,0,W and by the way...all you Facebook folks should become fans of the GrubShack http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jerry-and-Evas-Grub-Shack/109631915735406?ref=nf

Where did you get the Dutch ovens?
dutch ovens... http://www.shopperschoice.com/item_name_Seasoned-Cast-Iron-Dutch-Oven-1-Qt_path__item_1463631.html
I like the G ug at the Shack, but I am not going to join face book again!! I got more spam and kids of people I never heard of sending stuff. IMHO FACE BOOK if worthless.
John-thanks for the link. They have a very nice selection.
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