Cow time all morning. Ventured out my rain-damaged bumpy road to catch the mailman. Got a shipment of stuff for my birthday from my old high school pal Peter Hill and family. 9 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies and some pasta mix (the two major food groups of the Hill household). Thanks Peter, Donna, Joe and BFF Rachel. They got a load of official Field Lab tshirts for the effort.
Nice relatively calm day so I could plug away at the new solar oven. Primed and caulked

the glass lid then got the swivel shelf built and installed - has just enough play to keep the goodies level throughout the tilt cycle. Ordered 8 more 1 qt. Dutch ovens so I can max out at 18 loaves of Field Lab Solar Oven Bread per load. My IT director in the UK is sending the brains that will allow the oven to track the sun throughout the day. Next up - a trailer to mount the oven, electronics, solar panels and batteries on so I can take the show on the road.
Enough of me talking about me.....here are 2 of my good blogger friends talking about me.
http://theoperationofthemachine.blogspot.com/2010/04/field-lab.html and http://www.ottoblotto.blogspot.com/
I do like that oven
Justin is not only an artist with a brush but truly an artist with the word. Someday, hopefully, there will be that print of Benita hanging in my home.
OMGoodness I love the peanut butter sandwich ones!!!!!!
if "The Field Lab Traveling Solar Oven Show" ever comes to houston let me know...
Caramel DeLites are my recent favs...Mmmm. I'll get the recipe and you can bake 'em fresh in your new jumbo oven. You can change the name up a bit to keep them girly scouts off your back...maybe call 'em Texas Delites...or Benita Bites.
Love your photos...love your life.
It's all looking great John. I won't ask why you need to bake so many loaves of bread at one time... it may be a religious thing to do with fishes... so I won't go there...
I'm hoping that you will produce a set of photo images of the oven build... is that possible or am I just being silly again... Best wishes...
Love the pic w/ you & Benita
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