Saturday, January 24, 2015


Just sitting around thinking about all the things I would like to be doing...and contemplating new adventures.  40,56,29,0,C


Janet said...

It is good to be still and think.

Anonymous said...

I always figured broken bones is nature's way of telling you to slow down a little. Take this time and consider it a gift. Use it wisely old friend.


Every adventure begins with a vision,a seed planted in the mind,to grow and become alive.

Dizzy-Dick said...

You message is loud and clear with the snow covered crutches. . . They will be needed no more. . . we hope.

Larry G said...

many of the things that happen to you in life - are opportunities - if you recognize them as such!


Unknown said...

Texas is beginning to look a lot like Michigan. "Sitting and thinking" are big up here this time of year too.

Margery Billd said...

:-) That's a good lead-in for a lot of comments.

Margery Billd said...

There was a grad student at Ohio State University who was head of the Lagos, Nigeria school system. He was sitting on his apartment steps one summer evening as quiet as could be. I asked him why he wasn't studying. He said he was thinking. He was organizing and planning in his head. I never forgot the wisdom of that. That is a good strategy.

Don Bockus said...

I understand you like to fly?
I will be Texas in a few months, I should introduce you to FPV .You can fly around the homestead without leaving your chair.

Unknown said...

Loved the TV show. Like to come visit this year sometime.

John Wells said...

Visiters are always welcome at TFL

Unknown said...

time is a healer