Early morning bread baking. Mixed up a double batch of the basic "no knead" recipe last night. Almost had a tragedy - the lid stuck on my first batch in the clay cooker. Let it cool for awhile then easily pried the lid off - then popped it back into the grill for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees. My fears of a ruined loaf and a broken vessel went away - all was well in breadland. I took the loaf to the GrubShack, had a BLT with a couple of slices, and donated the rest for them to share. In return, Eva gave me a freebie on today's sandwich. Too windy and hot to paint today so I hunkered down with a book.
Early this month, I was contacted by Lloyd Kahn.
http://lloydkahn.com/ Seems he is working on a new book about tiny houses and would like to include the Field Lab.
He sent me his latest book which I just received in the mail yesterday and I couldn't put it down this afternoon. It really took me back in time. I bought his first book when I was in high school and all these years later - we are suddenly in contact. I used to spend hours in the bookstore checking out these kinds of alternative houses - what I always thought of as "hippy houses". Perhaps someday I will build and live in a house like that, I used to think. Always wondered that those people were like. Hmmmm - and now I know because I seem to be one of them. Too many new ideas now for the future guest quarters. 85,98,74, .10",W
I was hoping you wouldn't mind...he's a member of a yahoo group I belong to called smallhousesocietyonline. I gave him the info to contact you.
Your loaf is lovely...I can almost taste it.
Wow, Llyod Kahn is my hero! Also Sun Ray Kelly who may be the greatest living artist/builder (although I guess that's purely a taste issue). Congratulations, that is quite an honor!
EZB....you win the big prize for that - now what about those cheese curds?
Ya, them curds came back as cheese sause in a box that looked like Benita danced on. Then I got side tracked on life and let the weather got too hot to resend another batch. I'll be making good on that promise soon :o)
What you're doing should be in a book to be around longer than us here and now. I truly believe what you're doing is helping others. Times are changing fast. There are a lot of us working toward self sustainment and MANY more who will have to become self sufficient in the not so distant future - but probably not by choice like us. Thanks for sharing your ideas, trials and ways. Plus, I'm certain people will enjoy reading about you.
btw, I'll bring my copy by for you to sign :o)
Tffnguy writes in his blog that the American Legion there is going to be shut down unless a new septic system is installed. But where to get the money?
Those ceramic things work great, just don't drop em.
Hi John
This is my first post but I've been tracking this blog for about a year.
I have a general interest in energy issues. Also, I have aspired to acquire as many skills as I can come across, so I really admire your broad skill set.
One of my other regular online stops is The Oil Drum which had an article about architecture students; here's an excerpt of an excerpt:
The overall experience can be brutal. The first semester, devoted to studio work, is integrated with other classes, but then the real work begins. Students give up part of their winter vacation, workdays start by 7 a.m., and toward the end of a project, everyone is working seven days a week, sometimes into the night....
"I have a hard time putting into words how much I learned being put through that trial by fire," says Jared Eder, who is now with the firm Ellerbe Becket in the other Kansas City. Asked about Rockhill, Eder says with something like awe that the man who runs the program "knows more than he'll ever let you know that he knows."
Maybe some future Field Labbers ?
Good Luck and Take Care.
Wow everything is looking so good. Love the new bread pan and the construction is coming along well. I loved the video CG made of you and Benita on youtube!
Hi John
Wouldn't you like to share your beer bread recipe with us? (including solar cooking / grill baking details?)
Have just cooked my first (albeit oven baked :-( ) artisan loaf - perfect - thanks for that link :-) And still fresh enough to enjoy the next day... now, need to purchase a grill in order to try baking it in that - any tips?
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