Met late yesterday afternoon with an engineer neighbor/friend to discuss the next phase of the greenhouse roof. With some good tips to follow, from someone I trust - I give myself the green light to proceed with the materials order - with advice from someone who has been there/done that, and has lived in this area for years....thanks, Marbert.

Cooked up a pound of bacon today for another loaf of Field Lab Solar Oven Bread. This one is called BOPCHEE. Bacon, onion, and parmesan cheese - and Budweiser Chelada Beer. 4 cups self rising flour, 4 tablespoons sugar, 1 cup chopped onion flakes, 1.5 cups parmesan cheese, 16 oz beer. No time to photograph the finished loaf - it's already been distributed to the lucky few and ingested by now.
Dropped two big chunks of the loaf off on the busy side of the highway (houses everywhere you look) to Ronald and one to Chuck'n'Aunt Kathy. I'm always amazed how the east side of HWY118 seems like downtown while my side is preciously rural.
The other night I had cocktail hour on top of one of my shipping containers while the sun set - all blissed out on the fact that I don't have to look at any neighbors from my view.....just a dirt road and a star filled sky. 60,84,46,0
that bacon looks good
makes you want to photoshop out the little houses.
I had to look up that speciality Budweiser beer in your recipe on the Anheuser website, very interesting! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
That bread sounds good, there is a lot to be said for a view with no houses and lots of stars, we have one like that and forget to look at it sometimes. I am planning a greenhouse but will probably put most of it below ground if my shovel and muscles hold out, of course it won't compare with your TEXAS size grand palace green house. :-)
sure does. To steal a line from Simpsons,, BACON, ummmm, Bacon.
Added it to my store list. I have to precook it all and then after draining it, wrap in wax paper and freeze in baggies.. Then just toss it in the skillet when I want some. Takes some time to cook it all at once, but then you got bacon when ever want it.
I read your blog last night just before I went to bed. Of course I dreamed of your bread. Wonder if it tasted as good as it did in my dream????
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