Had another Field Lab visit this morning.....three more reasons why Texas is such an awesome place to live. Bill, Melissa, and Curtis came by for the tour and brought gifts. They are down for the chili cookoff and went out of their way to seek me out and stop by for a visit. Ya'll are welcome back anytime.
The famous Allen Hare and his incredible wife Ok Hwa stopped by to pick up two custom spray painted Field Lab t-shirts......they are on the advertising team so don't get any ideas. Baked a loaf of solar oven bread for Jerry and Eva at the GrubShack ....dropped it off and came home to secure the last truss into place. Now the next phase of the project....as yet to be decided. 59,86,39,0
Daily Thoughts
It is always easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.
--Alfred Adler
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
The greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising up every time we fall.
Ted....you are starting to repeat yourself
Well Mr Wells, ya did it all by yourself. An amazing accomplishment for a foreigner. Hats off to ya!!!
Years ago I built a outhouse on my property and had everyone who came to visit sign and date the back side of the door, now I have them signing on the walls as I ran out of room. Its pretty neat. All the kids trace there hands, sign and date inside there hand print. Its neat when they come back 10 years later. Something you might like to start?
TFL netcam - complete day in time lapse...
Hey John, great progress on the trusses! You are really an inspiration.
I just came back from a little vacation in Ft. Davis and Marfa. I am headed to Marathon around New Year's weekend. I am visiting the park and will probably venture out to Terlingua. I would love to stop in for the tour if that's possible
I know the T-shirt thing seems a little silly but it sure would be a nice little stream of revenue. I would by one to support the cause. You might be surprised how many of the folks that follow your bog would too. I know your not in the T-shirt business out there but I had to comment in the event that you consider it. Think of it as the cigarette fund. Haha
Pretty cool idea on the outhouse!
Oops. I meant to say I would BUY one...
John my buddy has a board on the wall at the family ranch where kids over the years have marked their height and the date, going back to the 70's. Some of the ink has faded but you can still see it, pretty neat. BTW, I'd buy at least one shirt myself, sumpin to think about.
Stay away from Cafe Press. They are too high and they still make t-shirts the old fashioned way. They don't hold up! Some of the other stuff is ok, but still too high. Hard to make a buck of off their stuff.
John, thanks again for spray painting the T-Shirts for us. For the time being, we have a great, one-of-a-kind souvenir of our Field Lab visit. We will wear them, and advertise for you proudly. Ok Hwa can't stop talking about you, and how you "Make Good", that is, make things so well. You kind hospitality made the trip so memorable. Thanks again.
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