First on the list today was a much needed house cleaning. Prodded all the useful stuff out of sight and gave the little hut a thorough sweep down. Set the solar oven into preheat position and prepped the parts for yet another loaf of Field Lab bread. This loaf will make its way over to Jerry and Eva's Thanksgiving bash they are throwing tomorrow. Just as I was ready to mix it all up - an expected tour arrived. Judy and John arrived just in time to watch the bread magic happen in the kitchen...the first real humans to witness the wonder. Had a great ti

me getting to know them a bit and showed them around the estate.
Second on the list was to finish the same house cleaning style on a grander scale with the greenhouse courtyard. Lots of prodding, some manure shoveling, but no sweeping. By the end of the day the courtyard was cleared for Saturdays chapel extravaganza......and no wedding planner involved. 55,78,30,0
So is the TR community invited to the wedding?
whats the temps there? Im trying to figure out if me and billy bob are freezin more than you. or other way around. Actually billy bob probably got a heater going in his house on wheels. Im on the ground.
Boy, you sure got that courtyard tidied up. Looks great. It's like my good friend Mark Mundy said once, "If you want to get your place cleaned up, just throw a party". Hope it all goes off well. Hope you have a great holiday. See ya on the other side.
The place is looking good. How many guests are coming? Too bad I wont be able to see it live but my best to the future bride and groom.
Now that you are an ordained minister you might be able to start a little side business and rake in some cash.
Like I said before, John, you are living the high life! I spent the day working in a chemical plant.
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