My morning consult with an engineer neighbor got postponed - putting of the roofing order till we meet to discuss the next phase of roof construction. Ended up mostly visiting with folks and plodding along. Bought 20 frozen pork chops from a couple that had purchased 1000 to serve up and the Chili Cookoff but only unloaded about 400. Good deal to be had on Terlingua Ranch till they are gone. I cooked up 6 tonight and ate 3 of 'em....three for dinner tomorrow I reckon.

Hope to receive the new lens for the IP cam tomorrow so I can get to final placement of the rig - set it and forget it. So the day wasn't a total wash, I spray painted 4 more t shirts this afternoon. Devised an efficient way to pump them out with consitant results. Building up a limited edition stockpile to have on hand for future Field Lab visitors. Not quite ready to sell merch through the web... 62,82,42,0
Pork Chops n Apple Sauce...see...(from old Brady Bunch show ;D
Love the Tshirts!
I know I asked before, but i'd like a 2xL if you have it in grey.
tell me where to send the bucks
When you are ready to sell T's online, I hope you'll announce it here.
This Missouri Grandma envisions "THE FIELD LAB" on a bib apron. I would wear it when I am working on new recipes!
Like I said before, John, the T-Shirts could be your revenue stream. I think most of your regular commenters would purchase one, just to be part of "the club". It's also interesting the idea of NOT selling them on-line. If you have to make the long drive out to Terlingua to pick it up in person, even though you still have to purchase it, the shirt automaticly becomes more special. You had to earn it. You're really in "The Club" now.
By the way, thank you again for doing my shirts for me. Ok Hwa has already confiscated one of them for herself. She's still talking about how smart you are, and keeps asking me how you learned all this stuff. My chances of moving her out of the city, and out to the desert have gone up dramaticly since visiting you!
Hello All,
John if you don't mind me asking, what is the elevation were you are in W TX?
KateAnne ask what the elevation was at Field laB,, Haven't seen an answer from John, but I did find this link
copy and paste
pretty good site to find elevation to anywhere
Hey Ben,
Thanks! Good Info. I was asking because I was wondering about sub-terrian houses. I read alot, I guess I am a nerd, and found out there were a lot of bennies of going under.
Hey John.
As far as selling the T's online, you can always set up a PayPal account. It's free and you can transfer the money online into your bank account. With USPS flat rate shipping, you could make it pretty easy on yourself. Just order a bunch of the free envelopes online (from USPS) to be delivered and throw a T-Shirt in when you get an order.
I wear an XL. I'll be one of the first to order one!
Looks like our holiday plans have changed and I won't be heading out that way. Will be out in the spring and hope to get the tour.
Take care and thanks for giving us the window into your life out there!
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