Benita bypassed security today and helped herself to 2 pounds of birdseed. Hope that all comes out OK...Long day of sorting STUFF and bagging trash - 2/3 of which are recyclables. Unlike most of the folks I've met out here, I don't burn plastics - that all goes to the landfill where it belongs(?)

Almost finished cleaning out container #2 (future home to the office/electronics workshop). Seems my life here is turning into a giant Rubik's Cube of items out of place. Better to sort it out sooner than later. Got another UPS delivery today that included the solar fan slated for mounting on the IP cam housing. 54,78,24,0
Lol, how did Benita out smart security? Is it that security forgot to lock the container doors?
You had a mighty chilly night with it being down to 24, maybe Benita was cold and decided to have a snack to help her warm up?
Hope she doesn't get addicted to bird seeds! She could get real nasty if you tried to keep her away from them.
If it got to 24 here last night then this tiny 1500 watt heater is saving a bunch of propane. I did keep it on high last night, but it never got less than comfortably cool.
Benita might sprout.
I don't know about Benita sprouting but wherever she "goes" will be pretty sure to sprout.
John I don't understand why you burning plastic is worse than sending it to the landfill where they burn it or bury it where it just lays there for the next thousand or so years. Why not just shred it and use it for mulch or something in the green house?
Karol told me that she saw your webcam this morning. according to her you were "standing there talking to some other guy" Do you have to get up early to see the webcam?......Rusty
Chilly night for sure! Good thing you got your propane heater.
It's great to see some more progress on those containers. They have so much potential. Once you get your roof up on the greenhouse, you could put some skylights in the roofs of a few of those containers for some natural, solar (no cost) lighting. The greenhouse roof should protect the skylights from the elements. Or you could cut a few windows in the containers, facing into the greenhouse. The outside walls would then still be intact, protecting the interiors from weather, critters, etc...
Can't wait to see what you come up with.
Maybe there is a way to use plastics as a type of insulation?
Your birdseed may have a lot of millet which Benita probably enjoyed, I raised a patch of it this year and it is good to eat, better than wheat for you.
Did you get your super duper green laser pointer yet???
They made green laser pointers illegal here in Australia. Some kids got one and shone it at a helicopter. Nearly all the members of my astronomy club have had to "store" them away.
I had to take mine off my scope, which was permanently mounted for easy star finding. Back to the old fashioned way.
Thanks! I love your comment on sorting out of place items and comparing it to solving a Rubik's Cube. You've given an onerous task the potential to be fun :-)
Burning plastics is very bad. It would be nice to chip it all up fine enough to mix into your concrete. It will lighten the weight but still stay strong.
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