Chopped rock and wheel barrowed 6 loads of sand this afternoon to prep a pad. Moved and set one of my new tanks into place today because I have a great deal of respect for the weather out here. Let it rain...I'm prepared. 68,93,52,.02",B
Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFieldLab Daily live streams at https://www.youtube.com/thefieldlab/live
I'm impressed with your water storage
Egads that sucks ass. Hope you have enough Beefaroni on the shelf to last 2 days.
Going to try walking to the Grub Shak again?
I was worried when I was out there and the snow was coming down and melting as it hit. I know what moisture does to your road JW, sorry the neighbor had to find out the hard way and now the road is screwed up.
No problem getting in and out of here and I like that. Don't think I could take being stranded out there even for just a couple of days.
I'll bet "FNG" learned his lesson.
A little bitter at the FNG, huh? lol
Suggest four wheel drive.
...and I forgot to mention the dull roar of FNG's generator running 10 hours a day to power his satellite receivers and 2 televisions (he and his wife like to watch different channels)
Maybe you'll get lucky and the FNG will run out of gas for his generator for a few days while his vehicle is stuck in your road.
Sounds like your new neighbor is just not working out. The more I read your blog, the more it seems that I'm not working out in my job. Try nuging him along in the right way. That is what your blog does to me. Thanks!
Check out this sat-dish-with-mirrors solar cooker!
FNG sounds like an idiot. I would have never thought you'd have a neighbour like that. I'm surprised.
Sometimes when you find paradise it is best not to advertise. Although I love your blog. It can bring in the FNG's of the world.
that sucks. getting crowded out there, huh? maybe it time to buy up more land? or train the cattle to go over there and leave "presents" for them. :O)
I'm slow ... what does FNG stand for?
Too bad all those years in NY that you didn't befriend any "Vinnies" or "Roccos" from Bensonhurst who take care of "problems" - all kindsa ""problems"!
Ugh. Even out there you get annoying neighbors eh? Bummer.
Let it rain
I'm going to guess that FNG stands for "F[arging] New Guy"
Hmm...bake some extra hard solar bread...maybe even use some of that there Texas ground or fresh Long Horn pies laying around there and rig yourself up a giant homemade slingshot (here we load them with pumpkins). Night would be best. Well, you get the idea :o)
Just part of life, people learn.
Maybe you need some bad to appreciate the good in the way of neighbors?..the guy is an idiot, but maybe he will see the error of his ways..not likely, but hopefully
Sounds like the FNG will not last very long, if he, and his wife can't go without their (multiple) TVs for 10 hours a day, how are they going to make it when things really get rough...
I don't understand why people move to the "country" then continue living in front of the boob tube like nothing changed for them, they could have done that where they came from.
I agree Wretha, I moved to the country for a reason... yet so many people want to change it all.
Silly that went over my head ... thank you, Nat ... that fits :)
Interesting how everyone takes the "FNG" comments as gospel, assuming that John's perspective is completely accurate and unbiased and he is not trying to entertain you all, or cultivate a "desert hermit" persona with you.
Past posts here clearly state that the roads are impassable for several days after a rain, making a truck stuck in mud for EIGHT hours a non-issue, unless you are trying to incite certain emotions or loyalties in your audience, like Hollywood does.
He neglected to mention that the "FNG" not only repaired the road, but dug a by-pass for future rains; lives over TWO MILES away in a straight line and that he (John) possesses superhuman hearing. He also neglected to mention that the "FNG's" wife is disabled & enjoys chick flick television.
Also not mentioned, perhaps to enhance the "image building" was that the "FNG", discovered Terlingua & Alpine in 1990, over a decade before John did, regularly has traveled and LIVED in desert environments since 1957, about three years BEFORE John was born........that the "FNG" does not live in a home the size of a coat closet and thus has an actual kitchen complete with refrigerator & freezer that require minimal generator assistance until additional solar panels can be purchased, like MOST new residents of the area have done.
"Idiocy" is a matter of perspective. Some would say it is idiotic to live in a coat closet, eat seven varieties of Spam, cultivate and pander this humorous persona to an audience that longs for escape from the mundane of New York or wherever...... Some, like the "FNG", might say that we are a race of individuals and entitled to whatever conveniences OR deprivations we desire from life.... WITHOUT CRITICISM, but what does an "idiot" know?
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