And now "the rest of the story". A couple of weeks ago I ran in to Dick Cain out on Agua Fria Rd. and asked him about Benita's birthday. He said she was born in the spring of 1988. I suggested to him that her birthday was the same as mine - April 5. So today I'm outside working and up comes a cowboy on horseback with a very big hat. Dick was out riding to check on his herd and stopped by to drop off a birthday card for me. I didn't open the card till after he left. We chatted about longhorns for awhile and he c
onfirmed my suspicion that Beatrice was Benita's daughter - in fact, Beatrice was the last calf Benita birthed. I told Dick that I would like to buy the calf that Beatrice just had (he also confirmed that this is her first calf - named Benito) and have him castrate it so I will have a steer to train to ride - and he said he would do the deed and give him to me. As this old cowboy rides off to check his stock, I opened the card he gave me. Now that's what I call a birthday present! Scored two longhorns today. I sure do love Texas!! We even got a birthday shout out on KRTS Marfa Public Radio this morning. Capped off a spectacular day watching Venus and Mercury on the western horizon. 86,102,52,0,C

It don't get much better than that!
Well Happy Birthday you ole Coot, and Congratulations on being a real cattle own in Rancher!!!
Happy birtherday to both of you. You really had a great birthday. Now you are a rancher/cowboy among your many other titles.
Happy Bday John! I'd say you're a newly minted cattle rancher...
John been reading your blog for a long time now, and am extremely pleased you get to extend your little homested. I always worry when they leave for the season, keep up the blogging, you have fans everywhere.
Ed from Wisconsin
happy birthday man and cow.
Well good! I can quit worrying about eating hamburger..Happy Birthday to the Wells Ranch.
Happy Birthday to both of you, John been following your blog all along, and have really enjoyed it. I am amazed at what your doing. Keep up the great work, and enjoy your birthday present.
Rick from Colorado
Happy B-Day to both of you! I was wondering what you (and all of us) would do when it came her time to become dinner instead of coming for dinner... glad it worked out good for all involved. ]:0
Happy Birthday John. It looks like it turned out to be a great one.
I'm new to the site and blog, but Happy Birthday none the less! Love the blog and your main site.
John, I can't read the words of Dick Cain's birthday card to you. You mention scoring "two longhorns today". Does that mean Cain gave you Benita too?
Happy Birthday.
John, what a great birthday you had! The whole thing seem so right. What a gracious man Mr.Cain is. Wow!
For those who can't read the letter it says:
"Happy Birthday - Bill of Sale
I Dick Cain to hereby convey ownership of one Texas Longhorn cow speckled roan age 22 to John Wells on April 5th 2010"
So Benita has a new owner. It's a good thing you got those extra acres John. Happy Birthday to the both of you.
Feliz cumpleanos! Don't forget you now get an ag exemption on your property tax! Benita is one lucky gal.
Maybe Benita now officially needs a GPS tracking device. Be neat to know where it is she wonders off to. If one of the tech gurus here could figure it out. I'd make a donation for your bday John. Happy Birthday Bearded Desert Solitaire Green Offgridder!
WEll , That is the coolest thing John. You have accomplished quite a bit, and what a present!
Happy Birthday and congrats to longhorn ownership. Where's the little guy?
That is a very mooving gift!
I never thought you were all hat, but now you're not no cattle, neither! Happy Birthday, John.
woohoo! happy birthday john and benita! texas loves you too!
Happy birthday!
it was my birthday too :-)
Yay about Benito! I have a cockatiel named Benito! Happy B-Day John!
Happy Bday!
Happy Birthday, John.
oh what a happy Happy HAPPY DAY ... smiling so big for you, Mr. Wells.
Mama Crow - Abilene, Texas
My Grandfather was a cattle rancher outside or Roswell, New Mexico. He knew every detail about every cow. Your gonna make a great rancher.
(give Benita a good neck scratch)
Happy Birthday too!
Happy Birthday, John. That was pretty awesome that the rancher gave you Benita. Guess he figured she had pretty much setup shop there at your place, so that seemed to be the best thing to do.
Happy Birthday :)
Happy Birthday John and Benita! What a perfect story! Just the kind of thing that made me fall totally in love....with Texas
Feliz Cumpleaños to the coolest dude in Far West Texas!
Happy B-Day John! i started following your blog within the last month & worked my way back to the start. It is amazing what you have done. You, & several others like "life at 6000ft." which allowed me to find you, have opened my eyes to real possiblities i have dreamed about. I enjoy your Youtube vids also. Great dam etc.! Phil in Sav'h, Ga.
Happy Birthday to the both of you from Yellow Dog and I! What a great gift. Thank you for bringing a little bit of sunshine into my world every time I read your posts and view your pics. Take care.
Happy birthday from Downunder mate.
Happy B-lated Birthday Mr. Wells! I visit your blog often to see what's new. Did you get my letter?
Happy belated birthday to you and Benita.
It was so fitting and gracious of Mr. Cain to give you ownership of Benita.
I think Benito will be very happy living with his grandma and you.
Congratulations all around :-)
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