Saturday, October 27, 2012

One Pour To Go



Anonymous said...

Watching the Giants game!

Gene Adcock said...

Thanks for sharing those videos. Have enjoyed watching.

Gene A, in MO

Inspector Clouseau said...

It's always good to see people doing something of value for folks (and the planet) other than themselves. My hat is off to you.

JohnnyM said...

Wow I'm impressed. Thanks for sharing the uTube. I know you've had to figure out a lot of things similar to this on your adventures. I use leverage a lot but never to this extent.

just.Bob said...

NYC, a place I'm sure you are glad not to be today. Sandy looks ugly.

remmij said...

— weird... what comes up when you plug in Superman with a pole...
was expecting something more like this -
man of steel

Dale said...

You've upgraded the Pepino and also added a chest freezer at the field lab. Why no details on them?

Mike Dedmon said...

Hi John,
Have you seen this article on growing your own food? "Urban Farming in Oakland: Aquaponics in Action".

Fascinating, and it made me think of you. It sounds like it might also be an option for your operation as well.

Be sure to watch the video, he shows off some pretty impressive stuff.


Janet said...

Have you checked out planting a moringa tree?

John Wells said...

Thanks Janet...never heard of a moringa tree - just ordered some seeds to try in the greenhouse.

Allen Hare said...

A crew of one. Great work, man.