Wednesday, October 17, 2012




West Tx at Heart said...

Just gorgeous John... suddenly Im homesick!

remmij said...

sailor confused....

Dale said...

Are you and early riser or does Carl give you no choice? Daybreak is my favorite time of day, very peaceful.

ratgirls said...

Beautiful! I especially like the bottom one with the blue - it pops with the orange, but both are breath-taking views.

Unknown said...

Nice stills on a very colorful day. Here is a HD time lapse I took in November 2011 on the Terlingua Ranch of a sunrise:

BenTours said...

You have an AMAZING eye! Simply beautiful photos. I will go to Iceland in holidays within 2 days and I will try to get these type of snaps with my SLR.

Anonymous said...

Psalm 19:1

"The heavens declare the glory of God;

And the firmament shows His handiwork."

Your pictures back up this verse!

Allen Hare said...

Great big skies are a bonus out your way. Nice work capturing it.

MontelloOffGrid said...

you have a good life!