Saturday, May 6, 2017

funny numbers...

I figured something must be up when I checked my email inbox this morning...over 100 messages - and they kept pouring in all day.  I get email notifications when someone comments or subscribes to my YouTube channel.  Seems the bucket is pretty popular online since I posted it.  I had no idea it would go viral(ish)...I still consider true viral to be over 1,000,000 views.  Anyway, it did pretty good today with an average of over 8,000 views per hour and over 110,000 since I posted it last night as well as drawing in about 10,000 views for some of my other videos.  It peaked at over 17,000 views between 9 and 10 this morning.  Someone from Norway posted it on Reddit and that certainly helped give it a boost.  I also got swarmed with media offers to license the video.  As you may remember, I did that with the horn cam video and it really didn't really amount to much.  I turned down all the offers to split the revenue with these sharks.  One company offered to buy the video outright for $200.  My counter offer was $25,000.  They declined.  When it comes right down to it, the video will make me at least 200 bucks and these companies all make the same lame promises of being able to sell it elsewhere with "their major media outlet connections".  The problem is, these guys are in the business of pumping out viral BS hourly and we all know how short the public's attention span is.  They make their money suckering in and chipping away at the tiny profits of thousands of creators - that is the only way the numbers work for them.  I also picked up over 200 new subscribers which was nice (but also means the pool for the free snakeskin just got a lot larger).  Special thanks to the stars of the video.  It was there dedication and hard work (and thirst) that made the production a success.  If the video reaches 1,000,000 views, I will put out a call for votes for best performance by a water drinker (I personally think George has the edge).  90,95,51,0,B


Unknown said...



Margery Billd said...

My mother always said having an education counts. (Skills and training such as you have). Specific abilities are what are wanted today.

Margery Billd said...

Interesting how things people in my family said linger on in my mind years after they passed on. (I am still mourning learning about my beautiful 2nd cousin, my age, who I met twice who passed away in 1995 at age 55 from being in and out of a sewer of a state hospital. I suspect it could have been from over prescription of pills in those days. But I have not asked my other 2nd cousin who I just contacted through DNA testing who told me. (My tests all came out normal in the past and so did my yearly health exams from last week. But I had a day of mourning this week because I would like to lose some weight). :-) I heard that in Europe on the elevators they post: Capacity 5 Americans and 8 Europeans.

remmij said...

George's cute factor is high, but Chupa & friend have to be dark horses… ummm,
I mean dark chickens… the burro; for straw inventiveness and the bees have the
"to be or not to bee too soggy", Billy Shakespeare thing locked up -
there has to be a 'Buzz' Burton or Sir Laurence Apiary somewhere in the hive.
Ben… ohhh Benny boy – he takes bovine/quadra-ped/agua improvisation to a new level –
the "Hollywood head shot": (usually an 8x10, but Ben needs more format…)
it's that intangible 'STAR' quality… those in the know have the number…
somewhere in the vast desert a lonely pay phone sounds off…
anyway, congrats on the views… hope it nudges 7 figures soon.
& Monty for the bees to study
Ms. Bills may have a screen play…???

Off Grid Research said...

Although George is more attractive the burro is pretty good! :)

Unknown said...

George will win it by a hare.

Margery Billd said...

Did you say Utube pays by the view. You will make some change from this. Where does it go from here. You are performing a service by documenting your area.

Margery Billd said...

You know I was thinking it would be cute to put this video into children's reading material and have the children read a little about each animal or some such thing and see the video.

Anonymous said...

shout out to GoPro and Burro

rj said...

Integrity is in short supply these days even in our highest reaches. Congratulations on demonstrated you are one of the good guys.

Johnny Doyle said...

The figure that I always heard about 5 years ago was $1,000 to $4,000 advertising revenue per one million views on youtube. If a video really goes viral, you are much better off going at it alone. As you know, there are no free lunches, and all these sharks are out for their cut. If any tv networks are interested, you could do the licensing work yourself and save a bundle.

John Wells said...

Johnny are correct. More precisely - most revenue works out on the low end of about one dollar per 1000 views which is what I am making. As a channel grows in popularity the revenue goes up to the high end of 4 bucks per 1000 views.

John Wells said...

YouTube doesn't pay out anything until you reach the $100 threshold. The good news is that with this video I have surpassed that and should expect to get a check for at least $250 in the near future. From here on out they will pay monthly.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite video site aggregators is you might try making a contribution there... Finding a few other websites that do the same might help out with a few more hit...

POB said...

Great video but keep the rights to it. Those entities claiming "big media outlet" connections are looking to buy on the cheap anything created by anyone else whose pockets aren't as deep. Final analysis: You get screwed and they keep the money. Besides, this video is your launchpad OUT of oblivion. I would have never found your site if I hadn't seen it on Bored Panda. Now let's hope the FCC's attack on net neutrality doesn't cause your ISP to hit you with extra fees to keep your site in the fast lane since all the ISP have paid off Congress to render the net to pay-to-play status so ISPs can triple dip.

Off Grid Research said...

Just heard 'The Bucket' video on Austin's KLBJ FM morning shows 'Animal Cavalcade'.

susan said...

Thanks so much, John. I found it quite by accident and have sent links to a number of friends because it's so perfect.

ChinaDoll50 said...

Just a thought to protect your video - does anyone know of any entity that will monitor unauthorized use of a photographer/videographer's work? Thanks for your,work!

Unknown said...

I play it for anyone willing to sit for 3 mins and usually, that spawns interest in your other videos (The Dinner Party, Flight of the Falcon). Happy to contribute to your income.