Sunday: Fell asleep early last night and forgot to post my blog entry for the day...nothing much going on so reckon I can catch up by double posting today. The wind finally started to die down in the afternoon yesterday - enough for me to measure and mark all the trusses where the next rows of purlin cross over. Moved 240' of steel up on top for the next bit of welding.... 45,61,38,0

Not much work done on Monday....but prepped the next weld before my new best friend Marlys Hersey showed up to interview me for the February issue of the Big Bend Gazette. It was really nice to show her around and get to know her. Just as she finished up, my friends Jim and Carol from Austin came out with a gift. Jim has an etching business and brought me this slab. Now that it's etched in
granite - I reckon the Field Lab

is official. 42,73,21,0

John, we were all starting to think you'd got your self a girlfriend or something. Closed on a saturday and no post on a Sunday... that seemed plain weird.
Construction seems to be going well, I guess there's a chance you'll be growing greens this year.
hmmmm....sometimes I would prefer a woman to windy days - nice thing about bad weather is that it usually goes away on its own by the time you get tired of it.
Now John.....
Made. Me. Laugh. Out. Loud.
Looking Good JW,, hope you told my Buddy Jim and Carol HI for me.
And YEP,, you official now!!!
Word has it that it got down to 19 in these parts last night. Got down to 31.7 in here last night so I know it had to be cold. Will be interesting to see what your measurements were.
Right about the women. They don't go away when you get tired of them they hang around to really bug you. Its when you don't want them to go away that they do.
I actually got some stuff done today. Not bad at all after freezing my posterior off last night.
Beautiful granite slab, you are definitively official now!!
Now guys to be fair it is not just the women that sometimes "don't go away"...
From and olde Popeye cartoon:
A dame is like a bottle of milk - if she hangs around long enough she goes sour.
BTW - love your music Mama C.
The work is coming along nicely, and looking good.
The official granite slab is awesome! Wonder how it will weather over the years. I bet it will look great with a few years on it.
Glad you got to meet Marlys. The Big Bend Gazette is a great rag. I read it every time I come out there, and always enjoy it.
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