Due to high winds, the Field Lab was closed today. From the archives - on this day last year: can you name that plane? 48,60,43, .04"
Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFieldLab Daily live streams at https://www.youtube.com/thefieldlab/live
that would be a B-52, judging from the large size & big ass tail
H model B-52.
I do believe that was Air Force One
wonder where its going??
my money says the B-52 is returning to its base at Barksdale airforce base in Northwest Louisiana.
OK..OK...its actually Field Lab One flying me off to a meeting with Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama. There were some problems in the world that we were trying to sort out. I think we need to meet again soon....
Wasn't that Air Force One taking off after taking President Bush home? It was kind of a guess, but I thought that Air Force One could be seen in Terlinqua that day.
John lookout for some of our texas whirlwinds out there where you are.They make a tornado look like a puff of smoke.
Found your blog a few days ago and I am finally up to the present posts. Incredible!
Hey John!
They're looking for Ya!
With that E package in the tail they can tell what you ate for dinner!
or they could be looking for the Marfa Lights!
Air mexico passenger plane, a little farther north than expected.
Neil that is a neat video (WOW)
It is a 2FF2R !
KC-135 Tanker (check tail section for the refueling boom)
Now do I win a Field Lab T-Shirt?
Yep... B-52 and the B-1s fly around here to. A B-1 flew over about midnight the other night (Low altitude) and almost bounced me out of bed.
definitely a B-52. i've been buzzed by b-1's out there before. looking at my flight chart for that area there are a a lot of military training routes....
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