It all started at 5:15AM....rain plinking on my roof. An ever so long half day of brief downpours and extended drizzle, mixed with brilliant blue sky through the clouds from time to time. Stormy weather melts away outside distractions which helps me to focus. Back in the sky by 2PM and placed another 80' of purlin to finish off the east end. One last blast from the clouds shut me down at 6PM. Now just a cold breeze from the north coming in at bedtime and the hope of clear skies when I wake up tomorrow. 46,68,48, .35"
Quite a structure, John. Have you settled on what you're using for a roof yet?
Best sky photos in a while...awesome mama nature shots! Doncha' just love Texas weather? Might be a little chilly for working tomorrow. I think I'll be taking the day off. Suggest the same for you, you made plenty of progress this week.
Occasionally some will question why you live in such a remote area, one look at these pictures goes a long way toward answering those questions.
Wow, what a wonderful cloud shot, John. Hope you read my comment to you re Louise from a few days ago. Also, say Hello to Eva and Jerry. Did Eva ever tell you that I wrote her a poem? It was in appreciation for helping me over the hurdle of staying there at BBR; otherwise I would have left after two weeks. Dan
Bad weather, good pics.
Looking good with all the purlins in place. What did you do for the other iron you said you needed?
Excellent time-lapse today, killer soundrtack.
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