Beautiful day today...hope that was the last blast of winter. A great sunny outside to work in. Got a better amount of steel up in the air today. It all began as I checked my journal from last year on this date. 365 days ago, the sun rose over the mountain east of me at exactly 8:22:50 AM (according to the atomic clock in my weather station). Having found that information just in time - I watched as the sun peaked over the hill at
exactly the same time as it did last year. Pretty spectacular to see the world work so precisely. Will be pointing the live streaming video cam at the hill tomorrow. Tune in at
www.stickam.com/thefieldlab to see it happen Sunday morning at exactly 8:22:25AM central time.

Got a good bit of welding in this morning up until my 1:30 lunch break. Quick snack then got another hour in before the most recent Field Lab tour. Dona Lu and Wanda (mother/daughter team) came by after viewing some land SW of me. Looks like I might have another part time neighbor. Usually when I meet folks coming to this area to look for land, my immediate impression is they don't have a chance of making it out here. DL on the other hand left no doubt in my mind that she could easily make a go of it. Kind of refreshing for a change. 50,69,26,0
Is a well in your future for potable water? Is there water available and if so how deep are the wells. Just wondering if a well is viable for your Field Lab.
Great day, great post. Looks like you got some good work done today. The greenhouse roof is really starting to look fantastic. Good for you.
That's a couple of good looking gals you had visit today. Good for you again!
I wish DL good luck on her journey back to the land.
Good to see you had a couple of new comers come by, hope they do buy some land if that is what they want to do. The Field Lab greenhouse is shaping up. Want be long before you have poo potatoes and poo tomatoes growing in the Greenhouse. I have the same question as Debbie about the water. I know you said you would catch the rain from the sky, but is their enough rain available.
If I may answer the question about enough water. John has a few storage tanks that he pumps water from the dry creek beds when they are running. I found this in some of his past posts on his blog. I'm not sure if it will be enough water for the whole year. Maybe he will have a well drilled or punched? Out there the wells tend to cost $20,000 by the time they are finished with no garuntee of water. The cost of the well will the cost of the green house would take a long time to pay off with the veggies sold. However in the long term it would be great for the community, that is if he intends on selling veggies.
More power to you John!
The trouble with Rain Water Collection as the sole source of water is that you need a huge storage capacity and a large collection surface or pond.
"Usually when I meet folks coming to this area to look for land, my immediate impression is they don't have a chance of making it out here."
We have thought about buying a parcel in that area and wonder what is behind this statement. Is there something we should all know about? LOL
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