Windy day = good excuse to go visit my buddy Carolyn at H2O to Go down in Study Butte. Hung out with her for awhile then got back to the ranch around 3PM. Long afternoon just staying out of the wind. Didn't really deserve a treat after such an unproductive day - but UPS delivered it so I just had to cook it up and eat it. Even out here in the far reaches of the SW Texas desert, it is possible to have pizza delivered from Chicago. This is a very good thing, indeed... http://www.tastesofchicago.com/ 54,77,31,0
Isn't mail order great!!!! and the internet makes it faster and easier. Bon appetit!
UPS must have a special container they ship that pizza in. The label on the package says "Keep Frozen". What a concept! Pizza delivery from Chicago to Terlingua via UPS!
Great photo, by the way.
I got NY pizza shipped to me once. Yours is bigger! he he
I gotta still be stuck in a very old-fashioned time...you got yo'self pizza delivered to you from Chicago? Me = ever bewildered by this bizarre and amazing life.
WOW! The longest pizza delivery I have ever heard of. Enjoy!
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