Got a quad on permanent loan from the Panther Mountain Clan. The deal is I get new tires and maintain it and I can use it all I want as long as it is available for them when they come out to hunt a couple of times a year. First on the list was a new air filter. As long as I was at it, I ordered a new one for my truck as well (the guys who do my oil changes have been after me for a year to get a new one). 41,56,16,0,B
Yep, it looks like you could use a new one, but maybe you could have squeezed a few more miles out of that one (grin).
Air filters are cheap compared to problems caused by an air filter (in the desert sands) dirty, cheap cheap
yeah, rather have a clean filter in all my machines than let it suck down more gas.
Washable/ reusable/ lifetime product
Yeah! Right!
You just have to get a new tire, maintain it, and you can use it as long as it is available -- it seems to be a great deal. Now you’re assured that all your trips will be safe, because your tires are all well-maintained. That, and the fact that you have a new filter. Anyway, take care!
Bradford Oliver @ Lacustoms Performance Products
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