Didn't realize till late last night that yesterday's chore resulted in a booboo. Seemed an errant flake of metal made its' way into my right eye...regardless of the full face shield I was wearing. By this morning I was sure of it. I keep saline solution and eye wash on hand for just such occasions but all the squirting and sloshing in the world wouldn't dislodge the offending speck. I knew just what to do next. http://thefieldlab.blogspot.com/2009/08/eyeball-mining.html Called West Texas Eyecare in Ft. Stockton and hit the road. Dr. Josh plucked the tiny chunk out in no time...now instead of my eye feeling like something is embedded in it - it just feels like someone scraped it with a needle. To be honest...with all the metal work I have done since the first time this happened, I'm rather amazed it has taken this long to happen again. 57,72,54,0,B,0
hope it feels better now
Living in the middle of nowhere, it's just not cool taking shortcuts.
Glad you removed the rascal. Eyes heal very quickly. You will be back to your TFL self in no time.
glad you dealt with it right away. A friend had this happen and let it go 2 days and he lost vision in that eye.
nothing to fool with.
and we are so fortunate in this country to have competent medical care available and good roads to get to it.
In many parts of the world - you'd now have one eye left.
Sometimes a strong magnet is your friend.
Glad all worked out OK.
A magnet might get the chunk out but it might also take some eyeball with it if the speck is embedded. Any little bit of rust left behind can lead to infection and bigger problems. I prefer to leave the extraction and cleaning to a professional.
Hope your eye is ok. I know what it is like to have trouble with my eyes. Take care of it please.
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