Found almost half of the hole today. I forgot how much fun this is (NOT). At least it wasn't 110° all day. Really wasn't too awful - took my time to get this far - 4 1/2 hours.
My friend Ron Dame sent me this link today. www.suncalc.net Brilliant site - shows the sun's angle for any location...for all seasons using google maps.
Kale with my supper tonight. 54,64,33,0,C
did I miss a post? did the harbor freight solar panels give out? are you going to still use them in some way? sorry if you already touched on this.
took me 6 tries to get a word verification my blind old butt could decipher!
Rat...no - my harbor freight panels are still chugging along. This is about a new project:
Speaking of GoogleMaps now that they have updated it can you see Goldies pyramid?
Rock is right. Or maybe million-year hard packed sediment. Amazing that anything could grow on/in that. But as we have seen, when rain comes, the place greens right up. Major magic.
Dale... http://thefieldlab.blogspot.com/2013/09/an-undone-taskdone.html GoogleEarth has not updated the view to show the grave yet.
why don't you get a jack hammer. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0046REI92/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_4?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
made that suggestion a few posts back..drill hammer and pickaxe is a hard way to go..on the positive side ..it sure is nice workin weather LOL !
I use what I have learned through experience what works best for my particular situation.
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