Patched the anemometer and luckily found out how to reprogram it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFfxuo_p8JI Marked the mount holes for the solar panels and drilled pilot holes. I'm not going to bolt them down till I decide on a proper pole mount for the rig. Been watching a lot of PPG videos and a great portion of them are shot with a GoPro camera. Thought it would be a good idea to charge up the battery in the one I bought a couple of years ago and make sure it still works. I'm thinking horn cam on Ben for a test... 48,67,37,0,C,0
A "Horn Cam" on Ben is sure to be a YouTube sensation!
I think you are on the right track. However, I'm looking for live streaming video from your PPG during flight. I know you can do it.
Where's the sensor for your moving Solar tracker. Never played with one but am very interested.
I have not received the tracking sensor yet...
Horn cam. Great idea. Dang, really miss Carl. He would have made a great Rooster Cam.
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