Hmmmm.....the dreaded POA road grader came out my way today. One has to ask ones self - what kind of manager of a cash strapped property owner association pays someone for a full days work that is just a waste of time. All the roads in my area are perfectly fine and
have been since late last year when they chewed up my road a day or two
before it rained. The irony is - there is a chance rain again coming up Thursday and Friday. Hello!?! - there are 1100 miles of dirt roads out here - you couldn't find any in worse condition to work on? Thanks for digging my road 1" deeper. How do they expect to collect fees when the
only service provided is inferior road maintenance. please,please,please....just leave my road alone. I came to this area to become
self sufficient...its enough to battle the elements much less a group of morons working against me. I sent an email to the manager about this tremendous waste of time and resources.
Stupidity dri

ves me crazy so I moved on to my own style of productive/efficient use of time and materials. Cut up and welded 18 more purlin flanges (for lack of a better term). 28 done - 62 more to go. Need to move on to installing more purlins as I will need 60 feet more of 1/4" x 3" flat bar in order to fabricate the rest of the "flanges". (by the way - after all the cutting, I ended up with only 1/2" of scrap from the first bar) Building my parts list for another run to Odessa soon. Just received my whistle valves for the entrance gate flame throwers. I just hope I get those done in time to fire 'em off next time the inept ranch manager sends the grader back down my road for no reason. By the way....the flames shoot UP.....not ONTO vehicles on the road. Going for the "Great Invincible Oz" effect only. 44,65,17,0