Friday, August 19, 2016

itchin' to scratch...

Forgot to mention that Jim brought out Big Ben's late birthday present.  Now I just have to get it mounted for him so he can self scratch all his extra itchy spots.  78,83,69, .05",C


Unknown said...

Ben's gonna love that!

Margery Billd said...

He's waiting.

Rita B. said...

you may have to turn that video camera back on so we can watch. Oh Ben's going to love this...once he figures out how to use it.

Janet said...

Ahhh! Good food, fresh water, a scratching post and a human friend. Life is good!

Zole said...

So when's he going to get a 4 legged friend?

Anonymous said...

Looks like something you'd find in a carwash.

MsBelinda said...

What a great present!