Wednesday, August 17, 2016

relentless threat...

Convinced Jim to skedaddle two days ahead of schedule.  He reluctantly bugged out this morning to avoid getting bogged in.  He has to get back on the road for Raider Express on Saturday morning and really can't afford to end up potentially getting stuck out here through the weekend.  Jim doesn't quite share my storm caution yet...but he will when he eventually moves out here.  So far he has been lucky and hasn't had to learn the hard way.  Had a good visit with him and he made some decent headway on his building plan now that he had a good feel for his property and where the water runs during a heavy rain.  85,89,70,0,B  


Margery Billd said...

Yes, sat out in the yard in more comfort-around 89 and not heat index of 104 here near San Antonio. Dogs romped through mud holes of water (built in swim hole to lie in).

Grandmama Sarah said...

Nothing like living on the land to build weather wisdom!

Unknown said...

Good neighbors.

Todd said...

Off topic comment:

Drove by KFC today and saw they were advertising a Hillary Clinton Bucket for $10.99

Bucket includes two fat thighs, two small breasts and a left wing.

-Rim Shot...