Wednesday, August 31, 2016

sedentary III...

Two months and 20.2 pounds gone.  I was stuck at 199 for over a week.  A bad tooth and loss of appetite definitely helped me get past that. (Note: the tooth did not weigh 3.4 lbs)  79,83,70,0,B


Margery Billd said...

Less weight helps with walking.

Rita B. said...

tough way to get below that plateau. Hope you're feeling better.

remmij said...

sub 2 – that's something to crow about

Anonymous said...

Good results! I'm down to 199 from 220, mostly by limiting my calorie intake, but it's taken me since last January to do it! I seem to be stuck at my current weight, too; would like to lose another 10 or 12 pounds.