Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Well that was a first.  Had a tiny little storm right overhead with a quick downpour, one clap of thunder, and a lightning strike somewhere close by.  It didn't trip off the inverter nor the "surge suppressor power strip" everything was plugged into but it did cause by computer to shut down.  The computer was able to be turned back on and it didn't effect my cordless phone but it did apparently fry my router and the FlightRadar24 receiver.  Neither of them function anymore.  That new standby router I recently bought from Big Bend Telephone just went into service.  85,101,75, .03",B    


Judy said...

For the time being, the other stuff works. Be prepared over the next 90 days or so to replace the rest of the electronic that were plugged into that failed spike bar. Surge protectors, spike bars, lighting arrestors all need to be replaced after any lighting strike. Yup, learned all that the hard way.

Janet said...

Crazy weather John! Glad you are safe and back up.

Margery Billd said...

Lucky you are o.k.

Margery Billd said...

Lightening took out a light fixture in the house a few years ago- still have not replaced it-they said o.k. I use two surge protectors on electronics. But now during really bad storms, I turn off everything.

Larry G said...

probably need to look into a whole-house grounding system. There's also a wide variety of performance on said "suppressors" with the good ones being fairly costly.

however - it may be possible that the spike came in on your phone line - do you have any protection on that? If that happened perhaps others on the same line got zapped also?

Margery Billd said...

For me, I believe I had a home line then which I did not use because my dogs chewed a phone so I hid the next phone and did not use it and then I discontinued service and only use an Iphone. I will as about grounding or a suppressor. I did not know about all that. TY.

Dizzy-Dick said...

Glad you are OK, but sorry some things got fried. Back to the cave man era for awhile with no electronic communications.

David Holloway said...

Sorry about your equipment John.