Saturday, August 13, 2016

running water...

Finally got that gully washer I've been getting ready for.  Pumped 2,500 extra gallons out of the arroyo.  65,92,79, .71", W


Janet said...

You should be full by now! Glad to hear it.

Marlin Andrus said...

That's great. I hoped it rained over in gate 7.

Ronald Mahan said...

Rain is always great when it happens on the Terlingua Ranch - especially so - if any rain happens to fall on your bone dry desert property.

Dani said...

Margery Billd said...

That's good news. By the way have you prepared the potato greens, how, and how did they taste? Do you have any pictures of the meal?

Larry G said...

that water generator link - is amazing and a little bit hard to believe..... hmmmm