Slept really well last night in my own bed. Beautiful morning but no longhorns to be seen. Unpacked the truck then headed over to Chuck's to say hello and pick up my gun that we was baby sitting for me. Picked up my mail ( junk mail is starting to find me here) and headed home. Got 6 doors hung on my shelf units. Took a drive to check out a wind turbine that some neighbors were installing. I gave them some tips'n'tricks I have picked up - dropping off some of my leftover cable tomorrow morning to connect their battery bank...will go back tomorrow afternoon to check on the progress. Soon the last bit of chaos in my hut will be hidden. I decided on this to be the next project as I needed another boost in the quality of living in such a small space. Will probably take another two days to finish the doors and clean up the wiring for my office. Below is the before picture...

1 comment:
I have a Meade LX200 GPS UHTC 10 inch and many accessories, bought it in 2004, my baby. Started in 5th grade with a borrowed 40mm hand held scope viewing Venus in the mornings before school. Sadly, going to sell it to buy the solar setup to be able to live there. It is the only valuable thing I own and I haven't been able to use it since I moved from where I lived back then in 2006. Such is life. I do have an 8 inch F4 Orion newtonian I had before it, I hope to bring...IF i get the money for land and a 14 ft trailer to build out to live in.
Glad to see we share an appreciation for God's Creation.
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