First chore of the now cold morning was to refill some small propane cylinders from my 20 pounder. I keep the master cylinder inside overnight and put the "slave" cylinders outside for an hour in the early morning to chill them down for refill. Now I know why I've been putting off the wiring job...anytime you try to get things more organized, you have to create quite a mess doing it. Everything seems to fall out of place but gets even more neatly put away when all is said and done. Plugged away all day but finally got the new wiring in and 2 new light fixtures installed - one over the center of my kitchen counter and one by my bed for reading. Powered up the new inverter, too. No annoying fans buzzing with this new one - and I can almost feel the purity of the true sine wave AC zooming out to my power strip. Once I got all the wiring up and working - I tried my best to get the house back in order. Also moved the ice box to the front porch as I am now in winter cooling season. Cold enough overnight to chill the fridge down now that it is outside. I crack the door for the cold night air to get in. Finished it up by 4PM and took a shower. Went down to the Starlight Theatre for dinner with Chuck and Kathy. Home at 8PM and now basking in the glory of my enhanced interior space. Just a few more tweaks then I will present the after picture.
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