Got up at 5:30 AM this morning....just couldn't sleep any longer. Probably because I average about 9 hours of sleep per night. Killed time on the computer till 8 then the sun rose and I cooked breakfast outside. I'm pretty sure this is what they call "the good life". Headed over to Chucks to bid farewell to his weekend guests. Finished up and installed the new vents to cover my ugly fan pipes that circulate the air through my house. Now that I am on official countdown for departure - having trouble getting motivated to start the next project, whatever that is... Took a drive in the late afternoon to look for my longhorn buddies NW of me. Not a sign of them, but found lots of new interesting rocks'n'fossils. Just happened to be out in the north view of my neighbor Capt. Kirk's house and he drove his quad out to see what I was up to. I must say that we are both happy to be neighbors - especially in that we cannot see each others house and rarely see one another. We chatted about what's new and where to go for some good rock huntin'. He thinks he spotted Benita 2 days ago not far from his house. I will take a drive out to Terlingua Creek to look for her tomorrow. Above photo is the view looking back SE toward my property - Packsaddle Mountain in the background just before sunset.
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