Nice cool morning so I shoveled 6 wheel barrow loads up to the east entrance and bucketed it up to fill the top 6 courses of cinder blocks on that end of the greenhouse. Quick break for ice tea at the GrubShack then back to pop an experimental blueberry cake in the solar oven - blueberries courtesy of Ugly Betty and Lyn
n. Cooked for about 45min then the clouds rolled in. Had to finish it off in the propane grill. Started to sprinkle as I was trying to finish stacking block so I shut down for the day.

The clouds rolling in were backed my a nice looking storm. I was sure that the Field Lab would get hammered with rain but only ended up with .17" and lots of nice lightning and thunder.
Dang don't ever feed a coon!!! minght try putting some mothballs in there, or better yet, fox urine..Bet you can find it in town.
YOU DO NOT WANT RACCOONS!!! Trust me on this John.
I had no idea raccoon would stay in such a desert environment. Well, you learn something every day, if you pay attention.
Missouri Grandma thinks your Lightning picture is the best, so many of your pics just speak to me!
Nice to see your racoon..Don't touch your metal buildings durring the storm's..
Love the webcam. We tuned in a bit this afternoon to watch your Thunderstorm show. Keep it up, it's a great addition to the Field Lab Experience.
Really surreal lightning picture.
If that raccoon was in one of your containers, couldn't you just close the doors to keep them out. They are pretty varmint-proof, another great feature they have.
It's great to see you getting some more structural work done.
Truly an excellent lightning storm shot.
I concure with Bens anti Coon comment, with a slight variation. If my Arkansas Dad were sitting next to me, he would say never scare your dinner away from the plate.
Cheers, I really enjoyed the show last night! A little rain sure sounds like a lot due to the tin roof. When I was a Car Audio engineer in my teens, at the shop we installed sound deadening sheets in doors and trunks to quiet the interior. The commercial stuff is quite expensive...
Looking for a cheaper alternative to use on our own cars we found that Fiber Reinforced Roofing Cement was more than acceptable as an alternative! I removed all the interior trim, seats and carpet and applied two gallons to the floors, doors and roof. After that my Ford was as quiet as a Mercedes on the inside. You don't even have to coat the entire surface, applying little patches at regular intervals will do. In fact most stainless steel kitchen sinks have a little patch underneath where the water falls.
Hey John, where are your temp readings?
oops....thanks for reminding me.
I finally remembered to get the live camera up early this morning, Watched the sun rise and then you sitting communing with Benita with your coffee. I saw you slip off out of range once once. Bet I know what you were up to. :-)
Now if'n it were me, I would'a caught that raccoon and made me a brand new pet out of him. I rekon someone gonna say ya can't make a pet out a raccoon, but yeah ya can. Same as a bob cat....now that one mean little kitty.
Still ain't seen the web cam in action. All I ever get is that Field Lab picture. Will try again in the morning....before sunrise.
See ya in bout a week.
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