I don't know what I was thinking when I mentioned the Facebook link....forget I even mentioned it. I'm keeping the Facebook thing only for old friends - so until the new 24hour webcam is up on thefieldlab.org, it's still hit or miss on my website and stickam.
Ryan came by this morning to request my services....seems he was on his way home late last night from the Legion and got his truck stuck due to a quick rain and had to walk about 1.5 miles home in the dark mud with Diego tucked into his coat. I went out with him in his 4WD Mule to get the pickup....he already winched it out of the muck. Checked my road on the way back and it was only bad in a couple of spots... .21" of rain last night.
Really dreary this morning but it partially cleared as the day wore on. Breakfast with Benita was cancelled. Cut all t

he parts and finished off the cap form for the north side of the east wall. Took a break in the middle of the project to drive out (with numerous detours) to the highway to wait for UPS. Didn't want Uncle Jerry to get stuck coming out to me. Got my package and zig-zagged my way home to clean up the latest project mess and put away all the tools....too late in the day to start mixing concrete. Another 40% chance of thunderstorms tonight. 67,80,56, 0.21
Oh goody, package from UPS and ookey weather. Sounds like a good combination for a day or two.
I will be down on the 21st and am sure my road will be a mess as it is a dead end and nobody lives on it to complain and get anyone out there. Am prepared to walk the last mile or so as I need some desert quiet. Yes..I do have a high clearence vehicle..went round and round with Porter yesterday.
Man, that's a good looking wall!
Just make a fan page on facebook.
It's been almost a week since I returned to East Texas. We have had about 8 inches of rain since I returned - 3-1/2 so far today. I guess if you got that much rain in the desert, you would be building an ark instead of a greenhouse. Had a great time visiting you. I left Bibe on Monday and went to Bosque del Apache and White Sands in NM before returning home.
Yes, a Facebook Fan Page. I don't join many Fan Pages on Facebook, but I would certainly be a fan of the Field Lab.
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