Drove down to Study Butte to stock up on some "pre supply run to Alpine" items. Slight chances of afternoon thunderstorms coming up. Shot this peculiar reflection (in the side of a red truck) of my truck in the parking lot at the Big Bend Motor Inn Cafe.

Came back home - set up the live feed - and went to work on form building. Finished off the cap form for the south side of the east wall. Lots of notching with the table saw and tricky miter joints but all came off without a single miss-cut. Packed it in at 4PM when some clouds came blowing in from the SW. Ryan reported in that he was getting a good dose of pea sized hail. Checked the doppler radar and there was just a little green blob right over him. Hope that I don't get a downpour later as I'm expecting a delivery from Uncle Jerry (UPS) tomorrow.
FYI....I have linked up the Stickam.com live streaming video to my facebook account so now there is a status update there when I go live. 59,79,54,0
New Benita video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzTIUk9WmcM
I can see a whole series of truck reflection photos, red, yellow, blue, etc. People will pay thousands for them!
amazing that "wild" cow would let you touch it.
I must have missed it somewhere, Facebook account?
Yes I missed the Facebook account as well. Actually, I thought John had a Facebook account but I did not read about it so I thought it was more of a private account.
What I found out was, you can't read his face book account unless you are a member of face book, which I will never do again.I got so much BS from kids and people I never heard of.
I can help you set your filters on your facebook so all you get is your approved friends. I facebook (czardastx) and have filtered who can see that I'm there and who can post to my page. If you want to try it I'll be willing to walk you through it. We worked pretty well together the other day with getting your camera up and running. Just let me know.
Great looking cap form, John. I was curious about that last little cross piece you put in where the form meets the container. Will that stay in place when you're done, or will you pull it out leaving a little gap between the concrete and the container? I guess that small a gap wont really matter, the structure is not being built air tight.
On re-viewing the picture, I now see that there is a small gap all the way down between the stack of blocks, and the container, so all is consistent.
Hey John could you put a link on your blog for facebook so we can find your profile. Thanks Rebekah.
Ben in Texas,
Just so you know Facebook doesn't have to be such a pain. Mine is very easy and I've never experienced the problems you are describing. Czardastx is right you can set up filters easily and you should have really no problems at all. They only people that are my friends are people that I know personally. Now Myspace is a whole different experience that I walked away from some time ago.
Best of luck.
Ben in Texas, I'm with you on Facebook. With over 4000 members on my forums I get invitations to join from my members all the time, but I don't have any use for it. Thanks for watching my Blog.
I should be down at the land by Thursday now, but stuff keeps happening to put that off some. I like shooting to and plan to do my share of it there. I eventually want to setup a range there for practice.
John, I just had a visit from a VERY elderly aunt that had heard about you and what all you are doing down there. You are her hero so I told her I'd try to arrange a meeting with you. Hopefully that would be ok with you because it would sure make her year? I guess its a small world.
Mr. Wells,
I can't tell you how much I enjoy your weblog. Thank you for sharing and keep working hard. It is very inspiring to see someone really going for for it terms of sustainability.
I am very interested to see where you are going with the shipping container structure. I have vision in my head as to where it is going, I wonder what your vision looks like.
I didn't know you were famous!
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