Cleaned and cleared the courtyard...tweaked and torqued and prodded and pried - now 20,000 pounds of steel is leveled and lined up. Measured some diagonals and I seem to be way closer than close enough. Shifting all that weight successfully makes for a very satisfying day at the Field Lab. I got some more really good pictures, but.......
On the down side....I beefed up my internet security and downloaded window updates today. Now the computer doesn't recognize my camera. Ought to be fun figuring out what the dealeo is on this little glitch. Happens every time I start messing with the OS....Dang!

Better than getting caught by the Conficker worm I guess.
Is it a Canon by any chance?
its a canon G9....any suggestions?
I see you have a Powershot G9....
Install the latest ZoomBrowser EX 6.3.1 Updater.
*NOTE: RAW Image Task(RAW image processing) is not included in ZoomBrowser EX 6.3.1 Updater. If you want to use them in ZoomBrowser EX 6.3.1, please download and install ZoomBrowser EX 6.1.1a Updater after installing ZoomBrowser EX 6.3.1 Updater.
ZoomBrowser EX 6.1.1a Updater can be downloaded separately.
thanks.... I'll give it a shot when I get back...hitting the road to Marfa this morning to renew my membership to KRTS and pick up some new solar panels in Alpine.
a windows update has caused older versions of zoombrowser to stop working.
On my computer I could not use zoombrowser. But, if I went to 'My Computer', the camera was listed there along with my other drives and I could browse the photos on my camera using windows explorer.
I updated zoom browser and it started working again. The download is 134MB, so in the meantime you may find that your carera's contents are available by windows explorer and you can drag and drop the files.
It's for reasons like this that I am now a Mac user! :)
hope you get her working again soon. i wondered what kind of camera you were using. the G9 is a sweet camera!
RE: Camera Down
Did you take off the lens cap ? :)
how do you move those containers? a jack?
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