I had a conversation today with a friend about stress. I have thought a lot about stress over the years and have been working very hard to eliminate it from my life. I decided long ago that I really didn't care for it. Here is the Field Lab Stress Mantra:
1. An event that occurs in your life that is totally beyond your control and beyond all anticipation.
2. An event that occurs in your life that is totally beyond your control but certainly should have been anticipated.
3. An event that occurs in your life that is totally within your control.
4. And all the little, repugnant things that your mind has picked up on through the years and filed away as stuff that really bothers you.
First thing to think about is that stress should be the exception and not the rule. Too much of the population has come to accept that stress is a way of life. It just doesn't have to be that way. The primal driving force of all living beings is to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Yet humans have learned to believe that stress is just part of popular culture and must be associated with a modern life. Seeking pain will not make you happy no matter what you gain from it.
You have to be very honest with yourself to realise that 2 and 3 are entirely your own fault and could/should have been avoided. (Remember: Stress is the exception. not the rule) You brought it on yourself now just deal with it and see that it never happens again. Bringing on your own anguish is slow suicide. 4 has been embedded in your psyche and once you can see it for what it is - just work on letting it go as it is all in the past and serves no useful purpose in your life. Once you master these steps - you will have the ability to think ahead and have the mindset to be prepared to deal with number 1.
You will be surprised how easy it is to trick your brain into a positive direction if you really try...
I look forward to questions and comments on this topic as I hope to win a McArthur Grant, produce an infomercial, and eventually sell my program on a stress free life through the internet and on QVC...or not...