The real news of the day is that my Aunt's book, "The Colorado Whoopenhollars" is available for sale now. This will appeal especially to folks who lived through the Depression or just long for a simpler time, so order one for you, or your parents or your grandparents...etc. I can hook up anyone interested with a special message autographed copy if you like. http://www2.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.aspx?bookid=60879 or http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=The+colorado+whoopenhollars&x=13&y=17 And check out her interview for a local newspaper http://www.clearcreekcourant.com/ type in Jean Duaine in the search bar on the top right of the page to go to the story ...she has the same philosophy as the Field Lab. Hmmmmm...I wondered where I got that from....
Sounds like an interesting book. My father's comment on the depression was, "you never saw any squirrels or pigeons anywhere." Of course, he also bagged a few deer....
I'll try to order a copy.
So, what's up with this refrigerated air conditioner? How you gonna power that?
Mom is so thrilled about the book and sure appreciates all the enthusiam it has generated in the family - including you. She'll be excited to see it got a mention here! Don't work too hard. The A/C is out at our place here in the city....hot (or cold) weather is a real equalizer.
this book was totally awesome. It took me back to the days my granmother told me about while she raised 10 kids.
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