Pieced together this video of the storm last night - edited down from a 3 minute shot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLcrfR2_LYs
Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFieldLab Daily live streams at https://www.youtube.com/thefieldlab/live
Well about the getting up early, maybe you are starting to understand why almost all of the desert creatures roam at night and sleep during the day. Preferably in a deep underground burrow.
When I was a kid in my 20's, my Dad and I built houses in central Arizona, around Casa Grande(about 1/2 way between Phoenix and Tuson).Day time temps averaged about 115 and up and night time "lows" were about 90 to 95 and up. Point is we arrived at the work site while still dark and started at first light, or as soon as we could tell the difference between finger nails and the steel ones. We worked the "first light until to damn hot shift"
Yep, its to darn hot to do anything...With the index it was like 102 today in San Antonio. I'm trying to build a freakin small patio cover right now to get some shade out back, but it's to dern hot to work on it. Very cool video John...any word on how the timer has affected the performance of your swamp cooler?
John, the lightning show was most excellent. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks!
Nice video. I bet it was very theraputic to sit out on your front porch last night with a can of refrigerant, and watch that.
Yes, please stay out of the mid-day sun. From 10:00 A.M. 'till 2:00 P.M. is the most dangerous time. At least you have the advantage of low humidity there.
Good luck with the next phase of the greenhouse project.
Really enjoying your blog and following your activity. Worked yesterday morning on putting a fence around my garden so my chickens would stop eating more than I can. When It reached 100 I quit. What are you going to do to keep the critters out of your greenhouse? Those longhorns could make quite a mess.
"Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun...."
Sweet video...really beautiful. Did you use the G9 for that, or do you have another camera?
Lovely storm - makes a wonderful screen saver.
May I suggest for the next storm get out your am radio and record the static as part of the audio...until the thunder is audible...then all of us can calculate the distance to the storm and whether its going or coming.
God Blesses you every day for you pioneering endeavors...and thank you for teaching us all the right and simple ways. We can only hope that those PARENTS reading your diaries will teach their kids the right ways.
Looking forward to your greenhouse adventures.
Off grid in Orlando
Ohhhh those beautiful corkscrew horns of Benita's....
Yeah, I'm heading to my NM land in Sept. to avoid some of that heat. My plan is to build a small vault with stone floor and recessed into the earth for a cool retreat come summer..
Nice vid too!
After reading the blurb in TXMo, I have linked you on my blog. I think it is so awesome when people follow their dreams and take risks. Thanks for blogging it all.
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