Trying to get the ducks in a row to begin the next level of construction. Cleared and prepped the west side for setting the first course of cinder block. Went'n'fetched 5 buckets of primo sand for the mortar mix....then it got hot again. Spent the afternoon indoors prepping to order my translucent roofing material and shade cloth for the greenhouse. Got a little more cypherin' do to make the most out of the plan. For those who have asked: I refrain from posting an illustration of the final greenhouse plan because I prefer to just do it as opposed to presenting a plan. It's all in my head and will spill out onto the blog as it happens. Nothing like building a little suspense...
John, I think I can speak for a few people who follow your blog by saying we are very interested in seeing how this building will all come together. There is nothing wrong with the suspense.
I have my own idea(s) for a container building. At least for me, I will be anxious to see if we both had similar visions. So far. so good.
I have had a few green houses down on the south side of Houston Texas. The ongoing problem for them was not cooling them to my surprise but was keeping the intense sun load on the plants under control. My green panels ended up being painted with white paint before the sun load came down to what the plants loved. I stewed a couple of aloe vera before the painting was added.
I like the way you design and build. I do it the same way: design it in your head, then do it. I don't mind the suspense.
That Ryan sounds like a very knowledgeable, and resourceful fellow. A great friend to have nearby. I have one like that, too.
Good luck with all.
Agree that controlling sun intensity is the majority of the problem. I use two shade cloths, one a 60% black and the other a 40% "Alumnet". In the winter I take the 60% off. However it will still need good air circulation and obviously a good water supply. Some kind of heating ability is useful also and the ability to seal it decently for those heating events.
Hi John! I recently came across you blog from the Tiny House Design blog, and I just now got done reading your back logs and looking through your posted photos.
Although I don't think I share your enthusiasm for the desert (I need green!), I really like what you've done for yourself here.
I was wondering if you could write a little more about your back ground. What lead you to Texas as apposed to other remote parts of the planet? The reasoning for leaving New York is obvious :D. What do you do for income? Where are you getting plans/ideas from for your designs? Let us know!
As a side note, could you add a rss feed to your blog? Instructions are available here. http://www.ehow.com/how_2050575_add-rss-feed-blogger.html
Blogspot blogs always have a RSS feed whether the blogger puts up info about it or not. The feed for The Field Lab blog posts is:
...into the future.....
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